
Freeway Fury You're racing on the freeway, where of course there are many more cars driving around. The crazy thing is, that there don't seem to be drivers inside. So that's an extra challenge: jump from one car to the other while you're driving. You don't only get a kick out of this, but you also earn extra points! There are many more stunts to do for bonus points. How about the 'slam' option: bump into another car, without damaging your own car. So don't drive too fast when you do this! You can also drive against the traffic on the motorway on the other side. Be careful, because before you realize you collide head-on with an oncoming car.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move. Press the down arrow to jump on the roof of your car. Then you use the arrow keys to jump onto another car and press the down arrow again to get into this car. Press the up arrow to give you car a nitro boost.
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